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Recent Colloquia

Title: X-ray Insights into the Variability and Emission Characteristics of Changing-State AGN NGC 7314

Speaker: Debjit Chatterjee (NTHU)
Date: September 13 at 14:30
Location: R521, General Building II
Title: Suzaku Observations of the Cold Front in A3667: a Non-Equilibrium Ionization State of the Intracluster Medium

Speaker: Mona Shishido (Tokyo University of Science)
Date: August 16 at 14:30
Location: R521, General Building II
Title: A Unified Interpretation of Magnetic Field and Turbulence Observations

Speaker: Huabai Li (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Date: August 9 at 14:30
Location: R521, General Building II
