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Cooper, Andrew




Cooper, Andrew 

Associate Professor

PhD University of Durham, UK (2011)

Office: +886-3-574-2558

Fax: +886-3-574-2499

Email: apcooper @ gapp.nthu.edu.tw


Honors & Experience

  • Associate Professor (MoE Yushan Fellow), IoA NTHU (2024-present)
  • Assistant Professor (MoE Yushan Fellow), IoA NTHU (2019-2024)
  • Research Fellow (COFUND Fellowship), Institute for Computational Cosmology, University of Durham (UK) 2014-2018
  • Research Fellow, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (PRC) 2012-2014
  • Research Associate, Max-Planck Institute for Astrophysics (Germany), 2010-2012

Research Interests

The theme of my research is testing predictions for hierarchical clustering in the cold dark matter model using observations of galactic structure and stellar populations -- often called 'Galactic Archaeology'. My approach focuses on galaxy formation theory, cosmological simulations and related computational techniques (N-body, hydrodynamics, and semi-analytic models). I developed STINGS, a fast approximate method for tracing the evolution of stellar mass in cosmological N-Body simulations using  particle tagging. Topics I've worked on include dwarf galaxies, tidal stripping and stellar streams, mergers, galaxy surface brightness profiles, galactic stellar haloes (particularly the Milky Way stellar halo), elliptical galaxies, galaxy clusters, intracluster light, globular clusters, warm dark matter, neutral hydrogen observations and deep optical imaging techniques. I co-lead a working group in the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) collaboration responsible for design and execution of the DESI Milky Way Survey, a next-generation spectroscopic census of up to 10 million stars in our Galaxy starting observations in 2020.


Selected Publications

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