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2020-01-14 Abstract

Title: Understanding the Progenitor Systems, Explosion Mechanisms, and Cosmological Utility of Extreme Astrophysical Transients
Speaker:  Yen-Chen Pan (NAOJ / ASIAA)
Date: January 14 at 11:10
Location: R521, General Building II
The next decade will be the golden age of transient astronomy. Astrophysical transients affect almost every aspect of astronomy, from stellar evolution to galaxy formation, gravitational waves, and cosmology. In this talk, I will focus on extremely powerful transients such as type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), superluminous supernovae (SLSNe), and kilonovae (KNe). SNe Ia are exceptional stellar explosions and remarkable standardizable candles that are routinely used to measure the cosmic expansion. However, the nature of their progenitors remains a mystery. I will present how we can better understand their progenitor systems and explosion mechanisms via spectroscopic and host-galaxy studies, and how they can be used to further improve the precision of distance measurement. SLSNe are even more powerful explosions than SNe Ia. Being ~10 times brighter than SNe Ia, they could be promising distance indicators at more distant universe. I will discuss their unique host environments and the connection to their progenitor properties. Finally, I will talk about my involvement in the current gravitational-wave astronomy and the discovery of first KN, as well as the future large surveys such as YSE, PFS, and LSST, and how they will revolutionize our current understanding of the transient sky.
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