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Yang, Hsiang-Yi Karen

Hsiang-Yi Karen Yang 



Associate Professor

Hsiang-Yi Karen Yang


Office: R504, General Building II

Office number: 42953


E-mail:hyang @ phys.nthu.edu.tw









  Honors & Experience
  • Associate Professor (MoE Yushan Fellow), NTHU (2024-present)
  • Assistant Professor (MoE Yushan Fellow), NTHU (2020-2024)
  • Assistant Research Scientist, University of Maryland, USA (2018-2020)
  • NASA Einstein Fellow, University of Maryland, USA (2015-2017)
  • Research Fellow, University of Michigan (2011-2014)


  • 2004-2011, Ph.D. in Astronomy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
  • 2003-2004, M.S. in Physics, National Taiwan University
  • 1999-2003, B.S. in Physics, National Taiwan University

 Research Interests

  • Feedback processes in galaxies and galaxy clusters
  • Active galactic nuclei; galactic winds; cluster cosmology
  • Magnetohydrodynamic simulations including cosmic-ray and plasma effects
  • High performance computing, scientific visualization, numerical algorithms

Research Works

Our central research question is how the combined effects of shocks, turbulence, radiative cooling, active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback, magnetic fields, cosmic rays (CRs), and plasma physics influence the observable properties of galaxies and galaxy clusters. The last few years have been marked by significant progress in galaxy and cluster formation, in which feedback processes from AGN and galactic winds are believed to be critical ingredients. However, our current knowledge is largely limited by incomplete understanding of the "microphysics" -- fundamental physical processes that are unresolvable or missing from purely hydrodynamic simulations (including magnetic field, thermal conduction, viscosity, and CRs). Therefore, our group focuses on investigating these important but poorly understood microphysical mechanisms and how they impact the macroscopic properties of galaxies and clusters.

Selected Publications

  1. Kingsland, M., Yang, H.-Y. K., Reynolds, C. S. & Zuhone, J. A. Effects of Anisotropic Viscosity on the Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei Bubbles in Galaxy Clusters, 2019, ApJL, 883, 1
  2. Yang, H.-Y. K., Gaspari, M. & Marlow, C. The Impacts of Radio AGN Bubble Composition on the Dynamics and Thermal Balance of the Intracluster Medium, 2019, ApJ, 871, 6
  3. Yang, H.-Y. K. & Ruszkowski, M. The Spatially Uniform Spectrum of the Fermi Bubbles: the Leptonic AGN Jet Scenario, 2017, ApJ, 850, 2 

  4. Ruszkowski, M., Yang, H.-Y. K. & Zweibel, E. Global Simulations of Galactic Winds including Cosmic-ray Streaming, 2017, ApJ, 843, 208
  5. Yang, H.-Y. K. & Reynolds, C. S. How AGN Jets Heat the Intracluster Medium – Insights from Hydrodynamic Simulations, 2016, ApJ, 829, 90
  6. Yang, H.-Y. K. & Reynolds, C. S. Interplay among Cooling, AGN Feedback and Anisotropic Conduction in the Cool Cores of Galaxy Clusters, 2016, ApJ, 818, 181
  7. Yang, H.-Y. K., Ruszkowski, M., Zweibel, E. The Fermi Bubbles: Gamma-ray, Microwave and Polarization Signatures of Leptonic AGN Jets, 2013, MNRAS, 436, 2734
  8. Yang, H.-Y. K., Ruszkowski, M., Ricker, P. M., Zweibel, E. & Lee, D. The Fermi Bubbles: Supersonic Active Galactic Nucleus Jets with Anisotropic Cosmic Ray Diffusion, 2012, ApJ, 761, 185


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